Category Archives: 演讲演说



当宣传一件事情,呼吁大家参与的时候,我喜欢接地气的宣传词,比如看到邻居群里有人呼吁大家参加toastmaster,是这样写的: 想要提高自信和公众演讲水平吗? 想要学习领导讲演才能吗? 想要增进与人沟通技巧吗? 想要发掘无限潜能的你吗? 想要了解Toastmaster怎么能帮助你吗? 欢迎参加: Toastmaster Demons



励志演讲比赛(inspirational speech contest)

toastmaster 每年举行两次演讲比赛,春天一次,inspirational;秋天一次,humorous。club->area->district->region->international, 比赛就这么一级一级往上去, inspirational有international级别的比赛,所以inspirational speech contest也叫international speech contest。humorous就没有了,只到region一级,毕竟笑点一般跟语言和文化太紧密相关了。

今早又赢了个best speaker ribbon

这是我的第十个toastmaster “best…” ribbon. 前九个: 这个是toastmaster advanced manual “storytelling” 第三个项目,moral of a story。4 到 6 分钟。我本来以为到了advanced manual, 至少要8 到 10分钟。昨天才发现是4到6分钟,临时删了一些描述细节的句子。 得到的反馈: 下面是我的演讲稿。演讲时,大部分是照着讲稿,

Is Parenting a Better Career? –speech for TM advanced storytelling manual

This is for the second project of toastmaster advanced storytelling manual. the theme is “it’s all personal”. Be honest, I am not in very good mode to give a personal story recently, so I avoided to tell “story”. I changed my script several times, and finalize it around 11:00 pm last night. This morning, I got up at 5:30 and practiced couple of times, then went to the conference room e

Before Hammer Down the Nail

This is the speech I gave this morning in the toastmaster international speech contest in the club level. My delivery is much better than the last contest, the contestants are strong, so this time I didn’t make it to the top 3. ——————————————————————— What is a happy life

今早toastmaster club的humorous speech contest,得了个第三名

早上一看其他参赛选手,不是一个量级呀,那些爷们都在club里混好多年了,就我一个女生,还初级的。抽签抽到最后一名,虽然大家都觉得我沾光,可伸头一刀,缩头也是一刀,我自己觉得还不如第一个上去呢,害得我多紧张了好几十分钟。   最后演讲的时候看见第五分钟绿灯亮了的时候,一紧张还忘词了。一次

toastmaster potluck

第一次earlybird club举行这种member and family/friends party. 很多大拿出席并发表即席演讲。我在下面听得是五味俱全–咋一件事从人家嘴里说出来就那么好听呢? 有几个很搞笑。其中一个member讲话总是超时,昨天他讲话时专门安排了一个小女孩拉小提琴,从他超时开始拉,声音越拉越高,最后他不得不停下来。逗死我们

toastmaster for public speaking skill

我第一次听说toastmaster是我跟我的skip manager 1:1时,我说自己觉得需要去build up speaking skill,他问我:did you hear about toastmaster? 我很奇怪,就问道: is this a company make stuff used in kitchen? 他哈哈大笑道:no,no, no. This is an organization that help people build up their public speaking skills. 然后他就给我做了介绍。说他自己曾经参加过一阵,