Synopsys Alameda County Science & Engineering Fair

不知道有多少父母知道这个science fair, 我知道的时候已经是开始几个月之后的事情了,孩子们在biology老师的要求下,可以单独、也可以组队参赛,学生们需要网上报名,父母需要网上签名一些资料。如果不需要父母参与的话,我家姐姐很有可能都不告诉我,嫌弃我管得太多,她的什么事情我都要插一脚。 😉

这个science fair重头戏是高中生,初中生也可以参加了。研究课题可以自选,也可以从老师给的课题里选。如果对STEM非常感兴趣的话,这个活动最好参加一下练练手。


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三月份在Alameda County Fairground举行最后的评判活动,大家把展板放到规定的展位上,裁判们还要面试每组同学,当场答辩。最后每个category选出前几名优胜者。
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州议员Catherine Baker发表演讲,鼓励孩子们多多参与这样的动手动脑的活动 DSC_9573
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory的科学家给大家讲述女生是如何成为科学家的,并深入浅出地讲解了如何用规模相对很小的试验设备研究宇宙这个大系统的:



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一下是science fair网站公布的信息:

August 1, 2016 Online Registration opens

January 30, 2017 Online Registration closes (*Midnight)

Online Applications have 2 deadlines:

Application Deadline #1 SUBMISSION WINDOW – August 1, 2016 through December 4, 2016 (*Midnight)

The project types listed below MUST have fair SRC or IRB approval of application BEFORE starting the experiment or the project will be DENIED approval to attend the fair.
Human subjects – IRB approval required (including surveys)

Microbes – SRC approval required

Human or Vertebrate animal tissues/bodily fluids – SRC approval required

DEA controlled substances – SRC approval required

*Vertebrate Animal Subjects – SRC approval required

“Note: No Vertebrate Animal Projects other than passive observations (this means just watching) allowed in 2017 Fair. EXCEPTION if the vertebrate animal study is performed at a university/college or professional lab with oversite by a professional mentor and proof of pre-approval by the research institute’s SRC through all supporting documentation.”

Application Deadline #2 SUBMISSION WINDOW – October 1, 2016 through January 30, 2017 (*Midnight)

All other types of projects do not need fair SRC or IRB approval before starting the experiment: These applications must be complete y midnight January 30th .

WARNING!! – Incomplete applications will slow down the time line for your project application acceptance.

Things to do:

Please check here for Rules and Tips for project development

1. Register – Students are not allowed to complete registration until their science teacher (or mentor) has registered. Students get your teacher to do this before you begin the registration process. *If a student is home schooled then the parent must register as a teacher.

*Note: registrations that are more than 20 days old without a completed application will be automatically deleted. Be prepared to complete the application within that time period.

a. Students – Open the “Students” tab above to register.

b. Teachers – Open the “Teachers” tab above to register.